Our Services
Dental Health Examinations
At your first appointment we will carry out a comprehensive oral examination. During your visit, we will listen to your needs and find out exactly how we can help and care for your oral well-being.
Your dental examination includes: a review of your medical history, screening for oral cancers, soft tissue check and a full examination of your teeth and radiographs (when clinically necessary). We also check for further problems such as assessing for TMJ jaw problems and also a periodontal health evaluation of your gums.
To book a dental health examination appointment please call us on 01702 206640
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a simple and effective procedure carried out safely and comfortably by our skilled dentists.
Teeth Whitening can transform the way you feel about your smile in a short amount of time,at a smaller cost than many other cosmetic dental treatments.
The process involves bleaching your teeth to make them lighter. It is a form of dentistry and should only be carried out by a dentist or another regulated dental professional.
We advocate the use of a home whitening kit. During your initial appointment impressions will be taken for the trays to be moulded and made at our specialised lab for the perfect fit. Your second appointment is when you will be given our care package of your bespoke trays, bleaching gel, an aftercare kit and a detailed explanation from your dentist explaining the process of the whitening. Treatment time can range from 2-4 depending on your desired colour.
Extra syringes of the bleach can be purchased separately if you would like to top up after a couple of months.
To book an initial teeth whitening appointment, please call 01702 206640
Oral Hygiene
Our hygienists are the experts in caring for your gums. Regular hygiene visits are crucial to prevent a build up of tartar and plaque, including staining from food and drinks.
Our in house hygienists will evaluate your diet and offer advice. They will evaluate your dental health and focus on identifying and treating any gum disease. They will remove plaque and tartar which prevents progression of gum disease and tooth loss. We have specialised oral hygiene techniques and will leave you feeling confident at home in the maintaining of best oral hygiene.
To book a dental hygiene appointment please call us on 01702 206640
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment, also called endodontics is needed when the blood supply or nerve of the tooth infected through decay or injury.
The aim of this treatment is to maintain your tooth as healthy and functional as possible, thus preventing you from losing a vital tooth.
Call us today to discuss more options on 01702 206640
Crown and Bridge Work
Dental crowns and bridges are two types of cosmetic treatment which are used to fill gaps in teeth or improve teeth if they are damaged. It’s important to know which one will work best in your mouth. Your dentist is the best person to guide you throughout the process but here are the differences and benefits of dental crowns and bridges.
The treatments are similar because both of them are fixed within your mouth and can only be taken out by a dentist, unlike dentures which can be removed and cleaned. Both are usually made from porcelain or ceramics and can be designed to match the colour and shape of your teeth. The main difference is that a bridge is used to fill a gap, whereas a crown can be put over a tooth. There are many benefits of dental crown and bridges. Crowns and bridges are useful for aesthetic reasons, such as adding a tooth where there is one missing or not as aestheically pleasing. It's also hassle free as you do not have to remove them like a conventional denture and they are also long lasting with the correct routine of oral hygiene. If you have good oral health routine crowns and bridges can last up to 15 years or even longer.
To book a consultation appointment for any crown or bridge work, please call us on 01702 206640
A denture is a custom-made removable appliance which is worn when 1 or more teeth are lost or missing. Dentures replace your natural teeth and a good denture improve chewing and eating activities, aid speech, enhance facial expressions and raise self-confidence.
Partial dentures can be made from, Acrylic, light alloy metal/acrylic combination and flexible acrylic like Valplast.
To book a consultation for a denture appointment please call us on 01702 206640